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Insights from Archangel Michael
“Gifts to Awaken and Ascend Your Soul”
By Pauline of Mont Mystic
How do I collaborate with Archangel Michael? You’re probably wondering that so why don’t I cut to the chase and answer your question.
I get insights from this divine light being known as Archangel Michael through the gift of clear knowing. Also called claircognizance. Any one of you can develop this gift, given enough time and effort. It’s not easy but it sure is worthwhile. I started developing this gift at the age of seventeen. Forty years ago. I went to a spiritual retreat at that time, and they suggested something called automatic writing. Where you call in the inspiration from your spirit guides and sit in a state of perfect stillness until your mind falls upon an idea. Then you massage that idea until you can put it into words. Then write it down quickly before the idea leaves you.
Many great writers, composers and inventors have used this process called the inspiration channel. There are countless Angels and Ascended Masters dedicated to sharing divine insights in this manner.
I’ve received valuable insight this way most of my life. Through this method, I’ve downloaded great advice on how to guide myself from a higher perspective.
I never knew who my spirit guide was until just recently. This spirit guide helped me to write a book called “God 2.0” — and they were so helpful that I finally dared to ask who they were. That’s when my source of inspiration introduced themselves as Chief Angel, otherwise known as Archangel Michael.
Apparently he and I have collaborated together through many of my lifetimes, while I tried to write books of inspiration to help people. In my life as a spirit, I am compelled by a great craving to help humans to evolve and find solace for their pain. I keep coming back into human incarnations to try and complete the task of publishing something. This is the first lifetime in which I’ve succeeded!
Having published the book, “God 2.0 – Updated Owner’s Manual for Humans”, I am eager to keep going. On that first book, I worked with the Divine Collective for inspiration. The Divine Collective includes God, the Angels, Ascended Masters and of course, Archangel Michael.
This time around, I can’t wait to write and publish a whole book. So I’m sharing it with you while the series is in progress. It’s more important to me that I shine a light for all to find, rather than waiting for the book to be published.
I hope you’ll join us in subscribing to this playlist and channel. This helps others to find our light so they can be inspired and comforted too. There are many unique gems of universal wisdom in this series that will find their way into your heart. Therefore helping your soul to blossom and bloom. Thank you for joining us!
Greetings of love and good cheer,
Pauline of Mont Mystic with Archangel Michael