Camping is pretend for rich people.
They sleep in tents to pretend they don’t have a house.
They cook on a campfire to pretend they don’t have a kitchen.
They boil water from the lake to pretend they don’t have a faucet.
An air mattress instead of a bed.
A can of beans on a fire instead of casserole in the oven.
All of this is pretend for the sake of fun and adventure.
This is the same way that spirits go to Earth for an adventure.
They take on a human form instead of a light body.
They walk instead of instant displacement.
They speak instead of telepathic impulses.
They eat food instead of absorbing light.
They work jobs to pretend they are helpless without money.
They pay bills for objects instead of manifesting with light energy.
They seek partners to love instead of remembering they ARE love.
All of this is for the sake of adventure and experiencing.
It’s all well and good for a tour of duty on Earth, but do not lose yourself in the process. Try to remember you are doing this for the adventure. It’s not a curse put upon you. Nobody is punking you. This was a choice you made, to have a human life. Try to ease into it and enjoy the ride.
Soon enough you will return Home and tell your eternal friends about the great adventure you just had. Savor the moments so you can remember the details when it’s time to recount.
But most of all remember this is not your eternal reality. Much like the rich people in tents, you have a Home to go back to. This human life is just pretend. Try to have a bit of fun with it. You are loved more than you know. You are not alone. Just camping!
Greetings of love and good cheer,
Pauline of Mont Mystic with Archangel Michael